"This is the way it is. For right now. And it will change.”
"I don't need to know the answers."
"I don’t know, and can’t possibly know, what’s going to happen in the future."
"Change is good."
"I'm ok."
“Thoughts are real, but they’re not true.”
“Knowing WHY is not important.”
“Joy is not controlling.”
"Most of my own suffering is caused by me. That means I can change it.”
“Enlightenment is absolute cooperation with the inevitable.” (Tara Brach)
“Life is a continual succession of agreeable & disagreeable situations.”
"I have my most powerful toolkit with me at all times - my breath, my body, and the present moment."
“Sense what it means to be in the center of now.”
“A warm spring wind steadily dissolves winter ice.”
"A wind that changes direction often, even a very powerful one, will disperse nothing - it only stirs up the sky. The wind that causes real change is the one that blows consistently in the same direction.”
“In a great storm, the wise bird returns to her nest and waits patiently.”
"When I'm working too hard / pushing for things to be a certain way, I let go of the wheel and let the easier way show itself."
"When things don't fall into place with ease, it's a sign to me that maybe I should reconsider what I'm pushing for."
"It's important for me to notice if I feel drained after being with someone."
★ What are yours??
Prompt by Rob Brezsny
Image by Benjamin Everett