
Jori Adler is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Television Producer and Founder of Flow House.
A career in narrative television instilled in Jori an aesthetic eye and an artist's desire to explore the human experience. Production taught her the importance of working within a collaborative system. While Jori was fed by the creativity and community in her work, she struggled with emptiness, vague depression, and a yearning for personal fulfillment.
Leaving the status and comfort of the known path to pursue the field of counseling, Jori began a process of personal transformation, seeking meaning and purpose in her life.
After ten years specializing in private therapy practice, Jori was feeling the limitations of cognitive talk therapy alone. In her own life, her curiosity had led her to spiritual psychology, Somatic Therapy, EMDR, Eastern philosophy, and holistic-integrative care.
When she began incorporating these practices into her work, new possibilities and depths emerged. She found true, lasting, and deep change and saw over and over again that people can truly heal and transform.
Flow House came as a way to offer the community these tools and to contribute to the emerging movement toward holistic whole-person care in mental health.